Simple tools, complex problems! |
When adults enter the room, the students stand. The white coats are a form of uniform for the girls. |
Graffitti on the lab table. Wait, what country is this? |
During passing time it was just as energetic and loud as it is at SHS. |
Coffee break in the teacher's lounge! (Does this pose look familiar London peeps?) |
Meriem explains the pictures posted, which include proven scientific facts in modern times which the Koran includes explanations of as well. Islamic education is a required course here. |
Just the view from the stairwell here. |
The page the students were studying in the English class I visited. |
We visited the primary school as well where these children sang us a song in Arabic that is about peace. |
A snowman in a region where it does not snow? |
Look familiar? |
Lining up, teacher explaining the game, this could be any school in any country! |
The young students learning French spelling. Notice the words are chunked, which is how I learned to spell: cat, mat, sat... |
Radom pirate looking boat where we ate lunch before heading to the teacher training school. |
The book in the teacher training school about Moroccan history that shows the English surrendering to Washington. Why? Because the Moroccans supported the Americans! |
Current student-teachers of English presenting to us about their experiences thus far as young educators. Technology and equality were strong themes in their comments. |
Love the coffee pic!